What is public domain?
A work is considered to be in public domain because (1) the copyright has not been applied for or (2) copyright has expired. Re-published and re-packaged public domain works are not illegal, are not subject to royalties on the work and may be freely used by the public.  Our DVDs are offered on a collector to collector basis and no rights are given or implied.  If you suspect that a title on our site is not in the public domain please contact us and we will remove the title IMMEDIATELY upon proof of copyright infringement.

Will your discs play in my DVD player?
Our DVDs are region-free and will play in nearly all DVD players worldwide.

How is the quality of your movies?
We consider the quality of our DVDs to be very good and we try to offer the best prints available. However, due to the rarity of our movies there may be minor imperfections in the films themselves.

Why don't you accept PayPal?                                                                                                                                                                   We don't accept PayPal because:  their fees are too high and we would have to increase our prices; we previously used PayPal and had too many issues with them. However, we do accept all major credit cards.

Do you offer discounts for large orders?
Yes.  Buy four DVDs and the fifth is free.  

Do you sell my personal information to third party entities? 
No.  We do not collect your personal information other than the necessary information to send you the item you order.